In this course we will take stock of, explore, and develop anti-racism practice in relation to all aspects of your role within your museum.

Whilst focusing on the objects & collections, audiences & communities that you work with, this course will be an opportunity to build skills, capacity, and commitment to the development of anti-racism practices. In these workshops we hold space to think about, reflect on and discuss the complex, interwoven themes and subjects that relate to anti-racist practice in all areas of our work.

We address the following questions

· What skills, knowledge and understanding have you gained so far?

· Where and what are the gaps and challenges?

· How has our understanding of anti-racism practice developed over the past few years?

· What do we need to put in place to continue developing and thriving in our anti-racist practice? 

When & where is it?

This online course will take place over two sessions and will be run through a series of interactive workshops.

Dates: 23 & 30 January 2024, 10am – 1pm

10-1pm – 3-hour sessions. Participants must be able to attend all sessions (the course sessions will not be recorded to ensure a safe space can be maintained for all involved).

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